Police or peace officers are responsible for keeping order in a certain territory. The are supposed to be the physical force behind the judicial law in a given area to protect the general population.
The purpose was to furthur America's strength & power over the rest of the world.
Stalin : He used the secret police to spy on people who threatened his authority. He also killed people in his own party because his power was somewhat sacred to him. Stalin also kept a close eye on people with the secret police and had guards to make sure everyone was doing their job. Hitler : He made the secret police kill Jewish people.
depending state by state police have very limited power. in California for example if you show up to a call of domestic violence where the wife and kids or dlack and blue but the wife says you cannot come in and arrest the husband than you must leave nad cannot do anything about it... legally
Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.
National Police Cadet Corps was created in 1959.
what are the characteristics of police
what are the characteristics of police
the purpose of forming the North West Mounted Police was to bring justice to the west.
see definition at police-power
The police are on super power everywhere and police station counterfiet.
No, Sherlock Holmes was not with the police. He was a private consulting detective. He cooperated with the police when it served his purpose.
Police Power Power of Eminent Domain Power of Taxation
They were the Russian secret police.
police power might violate privacy rights
During the 1999 WTO riots in Seattle, the police power was clearly evident.
The police have as much or as little power as the government gives them.
POLICE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT is the art of preparing, organizing and directing the efforts of members of a police in order that they may achieve accomplishment of police purpose.