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Strictly speaking this agency only existed in the later part of Stalin"s reign. The N.K.V.D or National commissariat for Internal Affairs the strong-armed Soviet Natiinal police were the power-happy watchdogs then. the NKVD operated only within Soviet territory vast as that was, and oliek the F.B.I. had field offices in various cities in The Union. I happen to have in my collection a FED Camera which has acceptance markings of the N.K.V.D. and also marked YCCP (Ukrainian Soviet socialist Republic) This camera was registered, most probably to the Odessa Field Office of the N>k.V.D. I believe the KGB monicker only came out after Stalin"s death. dating to Czarist times were, of coruse Miitary intellilgence agencies and the Corps of Linguists who of course also undertook such message traffic analysis as codes and ciphers- and those bas4d in the many languages of the Union! The Interpreters lot was not an easy one! and still is a most skilled occupation. The Soiviets had a linguistic/cryptographic (Think Tank) since about l936 a the time Uncle Sam had nothing of the sort, this was before the UN, so there were practical (and economic slump conditions) considerations. Hope this is of some help,. Comrade! Code stylus mightier than the Ak-47, N"yet?

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Q: What is the relationship of Stalin to the KGB?
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Yes, Joseph Stalin was in a relationship.Joseph Stalin had a relationship.

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The NKVD Stalin's secret police, (Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del) later called the KGB.

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Napoleon took the puppies and trained them to be his secret police. Just as Stalin did with the KGB police to control Russia.

What preceded the KGB?

Before the Russian Revolution the state security was called the Okhranka. Under Lenin that task was called the Cheka. It underwent several name changes OGPU, NKGB, MGB and then the MVD. It is currently called the FSB, with the foreign branch as the SVR.

What four letter acronym were the secret police force called in Stalin's time?

KGB was the acronym for Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security, The State security agency in the former Soviet Union.

What was KGB called during Stalin's time?

A three-letter word that is associated with Russia or the USSR, you’re almost certain to hear KGB – short for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti – or the Committee of State Security.By the time the KGB got its name and became autonomous in 1954, it was already a stong force, protecting the Soviet state from internal and external threats as well as gathering intelligence worldwide.The KGB was disbanded in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia’s former president – now prime-minister – Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer in Soviet times

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Joseph Stalin died of natural causes in l953. There is no evidence of any assasination. a Staliln shooting would have sparked a counter-revolution by the NKVD and KGB and possibly the Red Army as well. Joe died of natural causes.