Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts.
Hi, What is the salary of nayak in armay
Pay is from 65,717 pounds for a Lt Col at Level 1 to 76,095 for a Lt Col at Level 9.You can find this info on the army website at http://www.army.mod.uk/join/terms/1136.aspx .Info is on a pdf download.
The exact salary of sub-lieutenant in Indian army is INR 6000.
Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts.
Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts.
How much salary will get after completion of GP rating course?Read more:How_much_salary_will_get_after_completion_of_GP_rating_course
GP salary is the salary that a general practitioner makes per year. On average general practitioners make between $168,550 and $173,175 annually.
Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts
Approx 10,000 GP Practices in the UK in 2009
There are 61,1936 registered doctors on the GP Register for the UK (as at 1st August 2011)
There are 61,1936 registered doctors on the GP Register for the UK (as at 1st August 2011
35 000
Simple MBBS pass or GP, salary is 2000 Euro per month
Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts
station master salary is pay scale 9300-34800 GP 4200