the sierra dessert has the most sand in fact there is 1 km deep of sand
world war 1 took place in Europe, the middle east and Germany. world war 2 took place in Russia ,Germany, France, and Belgium.
As the name "World War" might imply, it took place across the world - one land, principally in Europe and Africa, and on many of the world's oceans.
World War 1 took place primarly in Europe.
I wonder if you are thinking of Leipzig.
The Rub al Kahli in Saudi Arabia
its called Rub al khali and its in Saudi Arabia
America's Best - 2013 America's Sandiest Car 1-7 was released on: USA: 26 February 2013
The Costa del Sol has some of the nicest weather, sandiest beaches, and beautiful beach bunnies in the world! The food and accomodations aren't too bad either.
the world would be a better place the world would be a better place the world would be a better place the world would be a better place
The windyist place in the world is Antarctica.
the driest place in the world is the dessert
the driest place in the world is Egypt
is the world a good place to live or is it a bad place to live
the world is a bad place because of money.
There is no such place.
the theme is that the world is not a pleasant place to be in without someone