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WikiAnswers will not write your topics for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the related link to learn more about topics.

You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting!

Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic.

If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Q: What is the sub topic of Nazis?
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That Jews were "sub-human" in WW2 according to Nazis.

How is a topic in a categorical hierarchy organizational pattern?

The main topic is followed by sub-topics.

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1. Topic one/ main idea A. Sub heading 1. More info on sub heading 2. " B. Second sub heading still on first topic 1. 2. 2. Second topic/ main idea A. 1. You get the idea....

What is a sub topic for the sentence what did you do when you left school?

Practically anything

What does a sub-heading do?

Briefly informs the reader on the topic of the text.

What is one tool for narrowing your topic?

There are many tools used for narrowing a topic. One tool used for narrowing a topic is the process of elimination. Starting with a main idea and crossing off sub-sections to narrow down to one sub-section. Hexagonal writing is another tool for narrowing a topic.

What ethnic group suffered the largest deaths in the Holocaust?

Mainly the Jews from all the nations invaded by the Nazis, then gypsies, and anyone else the Nazis considered were sub-human.

What offends Germans?

Talking about Nazis is and WW2 is a touchy topic. Criticising the food. Talking bad about the beer.

What is a sub-topic?

A subtopicEvey sentence in your paragraph should support your topic sentence. In your topic sentence, you have a controllling idea. For example, you may written this topic sentence:My three favorite things to do with friends are going to the movie, going dancing, and going out to eatTo support this topic sentence, you must explain to your reader Why these are your favorite things to do with friends. You do ths by explaining how each activity is fun and giving examples to help illustrate your point. All of this is your support.

Why did the Nazis characterize non-Aryans as sub-human?

It is easier to enslave or kill your current enemy if they are effectively marginalized.

Why did Nazis characterize non-aryans as sub human?

It is easier to enslave or kill your current enemy if they are effectively marginalized.