Munich Agreement
they lead to a war i think
Kellogg-Briand Pact
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was the 1928 agreement among more than 60 nations that condemned the use of war.
peace treaty? ========== A peace treaty is a document that finally ends a war. It is not meant to be a temporary agreement (although it sometimes happens that way). You might be thinking of a ceasefire, or an armistice.
The English did not declare war on Germany, Great Britaindeclared war on Germany because Germany had invaded other European countries with which Great Britain had a mutual defense agreement.
Well, they had to leave their weapons in their trenches then come out into the middle of no mans land, they weren't aloud to get closer to their enemys trenches just incase the enemy found a way through their barbed wire. (This didn't end the war)
The Armistice Agreement
The US declared war on Japan. Germany, having signed a mutual defense agreement with Japan, declared war on the US. The US was then fully at war with the Axis powers.
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement of 15 nations to renounce war.
Munich Agreement
The July 1953 cease fire agreement of the Korean War.
they lead to a war i think
There was no agreement only the Civil War
End of the war. Or temporary end of the war. Laying down of weapons.
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