The biggest battle of the American Civil War was the batlle at gettysburg.
Most of the battles of the American Revolution were fought on American soil. The battles took place in eastern north America, from Massachusetts to South Carolina.
There were many battles of the Civil War that were undecided with no true victor. An example of an undecided Civil War battle were the battles that occurred in the New Mexican territories and Indian territories.
Yes. Civil War battles were fought in all 11 Confederate states.
There were 123 battles
There were 36 battles fought in the civil warNEW RESPONDENTThere were about 8,000 occasions in which hostilities occurred in the American Civil War.
some battles took place there
First Battle at Bull Run
American Civil war
The biggest battle of the American Civil War was the batlle at gettysburg.
The majority of American Civil War battles were fought in Virginia. In fact, almost all battles were fought in the South. The Civil War was truly a defensive war for the South and an offensive war for the North.
Vicksburg in the West. Gettysburg in the East.
Gettysburg, Vicksburg Siege/battle
Curt Johnson has written: 'Battles of the American Civil War'
A major Civil War Battle of the Western Theater during the American Civil War.