Zyklon B is (or was) a trademark for hydrocyanic acid, or prussic acid, which is Blausäure in German, hence the B.
It was used as a poison gas in some Nazi extermination camps, mainly Auschwitz and Majdanek.
Zyklon B is a pesticide. Once exposed to air, Zyklon B releases cyanide; which kills people.
Hydrogen cyanide.
Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B as it was called.
Zyklon B was developed by Fritz Haber, a German Jewish chemist and Nobel laureate. It was a cyanide based insecticide and used during the first world war for delousing, but was later used in the killing of thousands of Jews in gas chambers
It was not really called "Bayer" at that time, it was called "I.G. Farben"
Zyklon B is a pesticide. Once exposed to air, Zyklon B releases cyanide; which kills people.
Zyklon B was the poison used in the Auschwitz gas chambers.
Because, Zyklon B is a poisonous and toxic gas which will kill people withing 15 minutes
Zyklon-B, an industrial-strength pesticide, was poured through openings in the roofs of the gas chambers. When exposed to air, Zyklon-B gives off a highly toxic gas. The Allies found millions upon millions of empty Zyklon-B containers when they raided the death camps. Diesel engine exhausts were also used, either in the "showers" or in gas vans that they transported Jews to the site in.
Zyklon-B and carbon monoxide
Zyklon B
Zyklon B
Hydrogen cyanide.
Zyklon B, I believe.
Zyklon B .
Zyklon B