The south, or Confederates, were fighting to break away from the other states, so they could have their own government and have slaves. The North, or Union, wanted to keep the states together without having slaves.
Yes, but I am not doing your homework for you.
With the exception of the air war over the north, the ground war occurred in southern territory. The north invaded the south, the south didn't invade the north.
The beating of Charles Sumner show that the relations between the North and South created events that led to the Civil War.
reconstruction was so important because after the civil war the north and south were separated. This was a way to bring them back together and reconstruct the united states of America by helping out the social issues and the economical issues of the entire united states.
the north achieve its objective while the south.....
mostly slavery
mostly slavery
See answer below.
Boundary dispute between north and south korea
Jefferson Davis led the South and Abraham Lincoln led the North .
the north didnt want slavery, but the south did. this led to the worst and bloodiest war in the history of America
Extension of slavery into the new Western territories, and the balance of power between North and South in Congress.
The French Indochina War most likely led to the (so called) American Vietnam War. Because the French war divided up the country into TWO nations; North & South Vietnams. When the communist led North Vietnam attempted to take over (conquer) South Vietnam... this led to US involvment.
The North, with its factories and large cities, had less use for slave labor. Economic differences between the North and South, and the South's insistence on maintaining slavery, eventually led to war.~Emily
The issue of slavery.