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they worked in the military and had jobs as cooks and laborers.go to: war/aasoldrs/soldiers.html to learn even more:) they worked in the military and had jobs as cooks and laborers.go to: war/aasoldrs/soldiers.html to learn even more:)

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Q: What job did African Americans do during the Civil war in the Navy?
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What were the different conditions of African Americans jobs and white jobs aboard the Navy during the civil war?

there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".

Significant social changes in the navy during world war ii had the greatest impact on which of the following American minority groups?

African Americans and Women

How was the navy used during the civil war?

The Union navy was mostly used to blockade principal southern ports

What was the Navy's primary duty during the Civil War?

Blockade the Confederate Coast

What was the Highest rank of the African American soldiers during the Civil War soldiers during the Civil War?

Because of the period, African American soldiers could not be officers. Therefore, the highest rank possible to attain was as an enlisted soldier, which was Sergeant Major

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How many black people served in US Civil War?

Approximately 180,000 African Americans comprising 163 units served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and many more African Americans served in the Union Navy. Both free Africans Americans and ... The Black Civil WarSoldiers of Illinois: .

What role did African Americans play in the civil war?

The history of African Americans in the U.S. Civil War is marked by 186,097 (7,122 officers, 178,975 enlisted) African American men, comprising 163 units, who served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and many more African Americans served in the Union Navy. Both free African Americans and runaway slaves joined the fight. On the Confederate side, blacks, both free and slave, were used for labor

Did African Americans serve in both the American Army and Navy during the War of 1812?

== == African Americans served in both the American army and the Navy during the War of 1812. In fact one in five sailors during this period was African American. Iris Beasley Park Ranger Fort McHenry NM & HS

What kind of things did the African Americans do serving during the civil war?

they served as hospital aids, wagon drivers, and hospital aids. some fought during the war for the union army or navy but most served in warships (as the examples in the first sentence)

What were the different conditions of African Americans jobs and white jobs aboard the Navy during the civil war?

there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".there jobs were to fight in the civil war for the union, but the slave owners trick African Americans into being on their side because slave owners said;" if you fight on our side i will let you be free".

Did the Navy of North Carolina allow African Americans to serve?


Significant social changes in the navy during world war ii had the greatest impact on which of the following American minority groups?

African Americans and Women

Who were the African American pt boat commanders in the pacific theater?

None. The US Military was segregated during WWII. Korea was the first US war in which African Americans were integrated. Prior to Korea, African Americans served in "all black units." The US Navy was more stringent (stricter) than the US Army was during WWII; relegating African Americans to servants, laborers, and general support functions.

What branch of the Union military were liberal concerning the recruitment of Black Americans?

In contrast to the Union army, the navy began recruiting African Americans at the beginning of the US Civil War. The navy faced a critical shortage of manpower at the onset of the war. By war's end, approximately 15% of the US Navy were Black Americans. However, no Black officers had been appointed.

During the civil war did the union have a formal navy?

Yes it did

What was the norths color during the civil war?

navy blue

Why did approximately 5000 African Americas join Patriot militias continental army or navy?

Africans believed they could expand their civil rights or gain their freedom by fighting for the Patriot troops.