Hitler started world war 2. then killed himseldf
giving Hitler everything he wanted including checkloslovokia at the munich agreeement AKA Hitler wanted to rule the world.
Adolf Hitler, Stallengrad.
Verbs are not describing words; verb are words for an action or for being. Adjectives are words that describe nouns, veterans is a noun.Some adjectives to describe the word veterans:bravedeterminedearnesthonorableretiredstalwarttenaciousvaliantventurous
Hitler wanted Romanian oil and a deep southern flank. It was for this reason that the Balkans figured into his USSR plans.
Adjectives are words that describe, so pick any 5 words that describe Adolf Hitler. You could pick words that describe him physically (short, slim, mustached, dark-haired), or you could pick words that describe him more emotionally (neurotic, megalomaniac, anti-semite, charasmatic, mad, mass-murdering). An adjective fills the blank in the statement "Adolf Hitler was a _____________ man."
Some words could be: Horrid, Horrible, Hateful.
From A to Z?Adolf Hitler is a freaking spaZ
Plump, sweet, creamy, nutty and juicy.
Quotation marks are used around key phrases or words that the idea's originator used to describe the idea. This helps to show that the words are not being paraphrased but are directly quoted from the original source.
A "meanie".
quotation marks
He compared them to vermin or disease.
Hitler killed himself with his own gun in an undergrouned layer
Hitler started world war 2. then killed himseldf
Hitler was reincarnated.
He killed people.