They used disguises of the enemy, as in...
American Spies wear German Clothing
Itailan Spies wear French Clothing
Spies in World War 2 were more like "moles" than spies.
A "mole" is like a spy, but they work for both sides, but provide info and really work for only one side.
Here are some links to websites that have photos and descriptions of them!
no only to track resistance fighters and escaped POW's
The would use guile ( sweetness ) to get the information they needed.
TNT ( it's DYNAMITE!!)
In general, scouts determine the current disposition and movement of enemy troops, spies infiltrate enemy lines and use every possible means to gather useful information.
Spy Focals
to hide their identity
radio speed walkie talkie nets and lots more
Here are some links to websites that have photos and descriptions of them!
no only to track resistance fighters and escaped POW's
Oh everyone knows they use x ray glasses. didnt u see Austin powers?ANSWERThey use spyglasses (A spyglass is a small hand held telescope.)
anything that is incognito in the place it is used. e.g. if he was in France maybe he would use an old Renault Clio or if he was in the Yorkshire dales maybe he would use a 4X4 of some kind.
Christians need to abhor all evil in all its many disguises.
you can use totallly spies web codes in the webcode machine in your spyloft.
Well spies were always used in wars but today they use them for the presedent or secretservice people.
You must keep this answer in total secrecy. Spies live in secresy. What good is secrecy in a world of complete honesty?
Their minds