i don't know either,
I am doing an essay for homework at the moment and i am supposed to be answering the question, What was the competition for colonies and land in WW1.?????? And im realy stuck, sorry i couldn't answer it, :L x
No, the League of Nations took control of Germany's oversea colonies
It was called "No Man's Land".
no mans land in is where no person during a war claims and is usually in the middle of two fighting people's bases
The Channel Islands were occupied by Germany during WW2.
The Appalachian Mountains separate the colonies from the land to the west.
25 % of the world's land surface.
When a wealthy landowner was given full control over land in the New World, the colonies were known as proprietary colonies. In proprietary colonies, the landowner was granted the rights and authority to govern the colony as they saw fit. Examples of proprietary colonies in North America include Pennsylvania and Maryland.
The land forms were very rough during the time of the 13 original colonies. This is because the Native Americans did not alter nature the way that the English did.
The colonies in the south of the New World were founded because they were thousands of square miles of arable land. The land became a goldmine of agriculture.
The New World was started because Europeans wanted to start new colonies and explore the new land.
Because the more land you owned the more powerful you were!!!
Land Grants given to property holders in Spain
1.how settlers used the land and water of new england colonies? 2. how settlers used the land and water of middle colonies? 3. and southern colonies?
The middle colonies had milder temperatures than the northern colonies. Also, the land was suitable for growing many more crops. The land in the northern colonies was hard and rocky, but the land in the middle colonies was less rocky and the soil was more fertile.
No, in England fewer then 5% of people owned land. In the colonies fertile land gave the colonist a chance to prosper.