One madman, despite how attractive (Hitler was considered to be sexy) or politic savy (He had the uncanny ability to dupe millions with his eloquent speech) he or she is, can wipe out 6 million innocent people and traumatize millions upon millions more. Also, the worst kind of dictator is the kind that can hypnotize and brainwash his country to do whatever he wants them to do. Lastly, the way in which he went about getting into office is the same way that politicians are doing it today. Hitler gathered up all of the registered guns from everyone, and then went to town on whoever he deemed scum, which in this case, was the Jews. A gunless people is a defenseless people, for the criminals keep theirs, and Hitler knew that, for he was as sly as a conman. Adolf's method was to replace the Jews with his Aryan race of blue eyed blondes, his idyllic society. Thankfully, his dreams went down the tubes thanks to the Allies, and a single cyanide pill.
One of the lessons that the Holocaust has for us today is to respect the differences in everybody. People must learn to counteract discrimination and prejudice both on the personal and political level.
From the Holocaust, the American people learned that America should have open borders. If American had not passed laws in 1920 and 1921 which limited the number of immigrants from Poland and Germany, all the Jews in Europe could have come here and there would have been no Holocaust.
The American people learned that nationalism is bad. The idea of having a nation that consists of only one ethnic group is very bad because there is no place for the Jews in such a nation. Trying to keep one's race or ethnicity pure is not a good thing. Race mixing is the way to go because that will prevent any future "Master race" from wanting to kill the Jews.
the holocaust- he killed milions of Jews and wrecked families - some of them are still alive today and remember the cruelity of the Nazis
During the Holocaust, there was a war going on and immigration to the US was basically halted.
Regular television broadcasting in the US began in 1940, but not that many households had TV sets. TVs became widespread in the US from the late 1940s on. At the time of the Holocaust not many homes had TV.
The Holocaust has many effects on us today. It hurts to look back and see what had happened so long ago. And these effects let us know that this should have never happened, and that we can learn from our mistakes to prevent something so tragic to occur once again.
It is very likely. You could ask a local synagogue tactfully.
The lessons that the Progressive Era offer about social problems in the United States today is decision making.
Linda Ellerbee Lessons from the Holocaust - 2005 TV was released on: USA: 23 June 2005 (Austin, Texas)
They made us think about how the world can be so discriminating.
There are memorials all over where the Holocaust took place.Many other nations like Israel, the US or the UK have memorials also.
the holocaust impacted us in a lot of ways 1.) we built an atomic bomb because we let some Jews come to the US 2.)thats all i know cause i love cats
So we know what not to do in today's life
some of the stuff they did to people in 1930's still happens today.
"Today's lessons" in English is les cours d'aujourd'huiin French.
the holocaust- he killed milions of Jews and wrecked families - some of them are still alive today and remember the cruelity of the Nazis
No. The reason is that the whole idea that history has simple, obvious, pious lessons for the future is mistaken.
nothing, my life started after the Holocaust was over.
The Holocaust was not the fault of the US! It is sometimes said that the US and their Allies did not do much (or anything) to stop the Holocaust. See the related question.