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Some reasons for the limited US response to the Holocaust are listed below.

  1. Skepticism about the accuracy of the information received.
  2. The remoteness and inaccesibility of Poland, which is where nearly all the extermination camps were.

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Many people underestimated Hitler's plans

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Q: What limited the US response to the Holocaust?
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What is the world's response to the holocaust genocide?

Disbelief was the overwhelming response.

What limited the us response during the holocaust?

Distance was an issue, access was another, but will was the largest. The US was so far away that anything that they might do would take a long time to enact, what they would have done was also limited to the fact that continental Europe was occupied and it would take some time before the Allies could invade. But the main issue was the the US did not want to do anything.

What was the response of the allies and the us to the persecution to the Jews?

There was no response, not even diplomatic or economic sanctions. This led Hitler to be more and more draconian with the Jews and eventually led to the Holocaust.

What the state of Israel response to the holocaust?

At the time of the Holocaust, the nation of Israel did not yet exist.

What country was created in 1948 from a UN mandate in response to Holocaust?

Israel - but the idea that it was created 'in response to the holocaust' needs very careful scrutiny.

International response to the holocaust during world war 2?

There was almost no response beyond condemnation.

What were the free Jews response to holocaust?

"Not cool dudes, NOT cool."

How is limited used in a sentence?

My response is limited by your question.

What was the international response during World War 2 to the Holocaust?

There was no international response (in the sense of a co-ordinated response).Bear in mind that the United Nations didn't yet exist and the League of Nations had ceased to function.At the time of the Holocaust most of the world was at war; all countries had their own preoccupations and they were not very interested in the Holocaust.

How was the Holocaust the fault of the US?

The Holocaust was not the fault of the US! It is sometimes said that the US and their Allies did not do much (or anything) to stop the Holocaust. See the related question.

How do books about the Holocaust help us remember the Holocaust?

They talk about the holocaust?

What was the Jewish response to what was happening to them during the holocaust?

There was no single, co-ordinated Jewish response. Have a look at the related question.