The Neutrality Act of 1937 did not allow any shipments of arms or other goods to countries at war unless payments were made in cash and the goods were transported _______.
1) America had nothing to gain or lose by entering the war. 2) The British Empire was the historic enemy of the United States. 3) The world was not made safe for democracy. 4) German U-Boats were only a menace because the British openly defied U.S. neutrality laws. 5) The Zimmermann Telegram referred to a situation in which the U.S. gave up its neutrality.
Truthfully the American neutrality placated the American people who did not want to be in another foreign war. However, while being neutral Roosevelt created the Lend Lease Act to assist Britain and others with munitions, ships and planes. America also sent food and other needed items to England. Roosevelt wanted to fight against the monster Hitler, but the Americans did not fully understand the devastation of Hitler's oppression and the genocide of the Jews as President and Mrs. Roosevelt and other cabinet members did.
Nearly impossible to know for sure for the man who has not made a study of it.
Nearly All American car parts are made in China, especially Ford.
The professor's heavy accent made the substance of his lecture nearly impenetrable.
America was still trying to conduct business with Europe and the Germans sank several ships carrying American goods. The second was the Zimmermann Telegram.
seizing American merchant ships in the West Indies.
Saturn is a gas giant but it may have a inner core made of molten rock, but that is not certain.
The Soviet Union announced their neutrality on September 29, 1939, when thry made the Treaty of Friendship with the Germans.
yes. but it is nearly impossible to kill him,his bones are made of metal. and im not just saying that. profecer actually thought he was dead in the future.
Blinding The cyclops, the son of Poisedon. B/c of this Poseidon made it nearly impossible for him to go home and find his house filed w/suiters
Al Capone made Mafioso the stuff of legends, perpetuating and nearly creating many Italian American stereotypes. He also made crime a 'legitimate business.'