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that they have often the constributions

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integrated government jobs

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Q: What major achievement for African Americans took place soon after world War ll?
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What major achievement for African Americans took place after world war 3?

As of 2017, there hasn't been a World War 3.

What leader place a special importance on African Americans taking pride in their African heritage?

Marcus Garvey

How was Harlem affected by the Great Migration?

Harlem was affected by the Great Migration because when the thousands of African Americans came into the north, they took up very important space. Since all the African Americans took up space, they needed to pay for their place so they also took American jobs that left Americans without jobs. Also, since African Americans thought they had all the freedom they wanted, it started major riots when whites were determined to strike back against the new African American attitude.

How did Jackie Robinson make the world a better place?

His success with the Brooklyn Dodgers was a major milestone in the historic march towards integration of black/Negro/African-Americans into American society

What is Nicodemus Kansas?

Nicodemus is a place where African Americans could have their own land of freedom.

What was the significance of Harlem?

Harlem was a central place for african americans to voice concerns about racial problems.

What happened to African Americans as a result of the Civil War?

they struggled to achive their rightful place in society

How did poll taxes place limits on African Americans?

They limited the number of people to those who could afford to vote.

Which group of Americans gained the right to vote under twenty-sixth amendment?

The African Americans we're able to vote when the twenty-sixth amendment came into place.

What was the environment like for African-Americans in the 1915?

In 1915, racial segregation was in place in many of the southern states. African-Americans could not use the same schools or public drinking fountains as Whites, and many of them only had menial jobs available to them.

Which side did African Americans fight for the American revolution?

they fought for both sides

How did the African Americans arrived in the USA?

by ship the africans were placed in a cramped place with no space of movement and not enough oxygen to breath