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Q: What major power entered World War 1 in 1917?
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What year did the US entered world war 1?

1917 smart

When did use enter World War 1?

The U.S entered WW1 on April 6, 1917

Was the us neutral for all of World War I?

No, the U.S. entered World War 1 in 1917.

What was the month and year the US entered World War 1?

April 1917

Which country has fought in the world war 1 or 2?

The US entered WW1 in 1917. The US entered WW2 in 1941.

When did the us enter world war one?

The United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917. The USA allied itself with the major powers of France and Great Britain and played an important role in the November 11, 1918 Armistice with the forces of Germany and her allies.

In which year did America enter World War 1?

The US entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917. The war ended about one and a half years later.

Why did the allies embark on the war in 1917?

The allies entered the war in 1914; the US entered the war in 1917.

Who entered World War 1 in 1917 to help France defeat Germany?

The United States entered the war in April 1917 on the side of France, Great Britain, & Italy to defeat Germany in November 1918.

Why was the us not involved in World War 1?

It was The US entered WW I on April 16th, 1917.

Was it right for US to stay neutral in World War 1?

They didn't. They entered late, In 1917

What was America's first military action in World War 1?

At first they tried to remain neutral but when they realized that Britain and France were close to losing the war they entered in 1917 because they thought that if Germany won it would be a direct threat to democracy.