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The armies of that time issued a greatcoat, like a military overcoat. It was not water resistant, so the trench coat was invented. Also, soldiers were innovative in layering extra clothing with their uniforms. They also had stoves fueled by wood which offered little heat and were not available in sufficient number for everyone. Mind you, these methods did not keep the soldiers comfortably warm, but warm enough to stay alive. The trenches were still miserable places, and very cold in the winter.

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Q: What materials kept soldiers warm in the war?
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Well mostly fireplaces

What materials were civil war uniforms made of?

Civil war uniforms were mainly made from wool. The reason for the wool was to keep soldiers warm as they were fighting often in cold weather. Southern uniforms however were made from jean cloth and wool.

What war materials did they have in World War 2?

Anything that could be used to produce something that soldiers needed was frequently classified as 'war materials.' This included everything from coal to iron to gasoline to rubber to nylon.

How did soldiers keep warm in the trench in World War 1?

Soldiers kept warm on the western front using blankets (two per soldier), waterproof capes and fleece gloves. The fleece gloves however caused lice infestations and many soldiers discarded them.

Did Roosevelt give profit incentive to manufacture war materials in World War 2?

yes he gave the soldiers BARBEQUE POTATO CHIPS yes he gave the soldiers BARBEQUE POTATO CHIPS

Why should the soldiers have kept their feet dry in World War 1?

It would've helped prevent trench foot.

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she helped provide the materials needed for soldiers in the revolutionary war:)

What starts with o that has to do with world war 2?

Odessa , Ukraine ; this was an important warm-water port helping to supply the Russians with war materials helping the Russians in their war with the Germans .

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Rationing controlled the amount of resources consumers used and ensured the manufacture of war products, including food stuffs for soldiers, was kept at a high level.

When did Soldiers at War happen?

Soldiers at War happened in 1998.

Where did all the German soldiers go after World War 2?

Most of those who were prisoners of war were sent home after the war, though in many cases not immediately. The USSR kept some German prisoners till 1955.