Military force. Or surgical removal (the process of using special military forces to eliminate enemy leadership and key personnel).
Communist containment.
truman doctrine
united nations
Look at it from a medical prospective; the US wanted to keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
It was called the CONTAINMENT POLICY.Please see this WikiAnswers Article which details how Containment worked.
containment often led to US
Embargoes and boycotts were indirect forms of containment.
Communist containment.
Part of the Cold War; communist containment.
truman doctrine
containment policy
The basis for the US philosophy during the Cold War was containment. This policy aimed to prevent the spread of communism by containing its influence, primarily through military, economic, and diplomatic means. The US believed in stopping the expansion of the Soviet Union and communist ideologies to protect its interests and promote democracy worldwide.
The US used a naval embargo to prevent any missiles or related material from reaching Cuba.