There were many:
There must have been many more things to come out of the war such as improvements in dyes (huge colour range) and protective clothing.
the Germans developed the ME262 the first jet to enter combat plus tanks had been majorly advanced comparing them to WW1
Radar, jets, rockets, atom bombs
There was a variety of technology available during World War 2. Some of this includes vehicles, ships, artillery, atomic weapons, as well as remote sensing.
For it's time very advanced. Due to WWII, mankind saw many items developed and implemented. To name a few, synthetic materials, the first computer (to break Enigma), radar, jets, rockets, IR and even helicopters. Wars do tend to advance the technology spectrum much more rapidly than peace does. But the cost is quite large.
Quite large in this case being over 56 million military and civilians dead in WWII. Including such great advances as the extermination factories run by the Nazis in the biggest genocide todate slaughtering over 7M Jews. It encompassed most of Europe incarcarated 100's of millions in a totalitarian terror regime namely the Nazis, robbing 5 years of their lives. Lets not forget the many millions scared by deaths, being forced to kill in the name of freedom and the demonisation of entire nations for decades and the growth of communist ruled eastern Europe. This then condemed many millions to another totalitrian regime, Communism, for a further 50 years. The Apollo moon program and space shuttle have had a similar impact on technology improvements. Promoting war as a positive means of furthering technology advance if frankly naive and disingenuous at best. At worst wanton ignorance and adhorant.
The main areas of technology during ww2 was: * Weaponry; including ships, vehicles, aircraft, artillery, rocketry, small arms, and biological,chemical and atomic weapons. * Logistical Support; including vehicles necessary for transporting soldiers and supplies, such as trains, trucks, and aircraft. * Communications and Intelligence; including devices used for navigation, communication, and espionage. * Medical; including surgical innovations, chemical drugs, and techniques * Industrial; including the technologies employed at factories and production/distribution centers. The main areas of technology during ww2 was: * Weaponry; including ships, vehicles, aircraft, artillery, rocketry, small arms, and biological,chemical and atomic weapons. * Logistical Support; including vehicles necessary for transporting soldiers and supplies, such as trains, trucks, and aircraft. * Communications and Intelligence; including devices used for navigation, communication, and espionage. * Medical; including surgical innovations, chemical drugs, and techniques * Industrial; including the technologies employed at factories and production/distribution centers.
There was a lot of new pieces of equipment used for the first time in world war two. Some were developed before the war and used for the first time in a war; and others were developed and used during the war. Here are a few of them: Ballistic Missiles (German V-2), Cruise Missiles (German V-1), jet fighters & bombers, atomic bombs, acoustic homing torpedoes, primitive computers, radio controlled aircraft and vehicles, radio controlled glider bombs, special amphibious landing craft, parachuting combat troops, Scuba equipped divers, RADAR, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), variable timed fused artillery or proximity fused anti-aircraft ammunition, specialized solid-shot high velocity armor penetrating ammunition, napalm bombs, helicopters, modern aircraft carriers, and short-range squad radios.
In World War 1 they had air planes that can't be detected, but in World War 2 the British had made a radar to detect German air planes flying.
no the atom bomb was used in world war 2 the did not have the technology yet
theres no technology in world war 1 lol :)
the bazooka was used in the world war two
The technology was new and experimental.
The 3 key technology the Axis used during World War 2 are:TanksGunsBombs
Every country that participated in WW1 used technology.
no the atom bomb was used in world war 2 the did not have the technology yet
world war one had less dangerous weapons than world war two
during World War II
Technology developed during the war was used for consumer products.
theres no technology in world war 1 lol :)
Because they acquired more technology
World War I was basically a ground war. So only guns and grenades were used. But in World War II, they had better technology, which meant that they had airplanes. With better technology in WWII, it caused more destruction and had less face-to-face combat.
World War Two
radio commanders british foghore