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Q: What other country do the Germans plan to attempt to recuit as an ally?
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Was there a real hatred of the enemy in World War 1?

The British and the Germans were not going to like each other, let's face it. They both thought they were better than each other however the British didn't sign up because they hated the Germans, they did it because it was meant to be 'fun' and they wanted to support their own country.

Are Germans bad people?

No better or worse than any other nationality

Why was World War I the principle cause of World War 2?

The treaty that ended World War 1 gave 15% of Germany's land to other countries which resulted in 5 million Germans becoming citizens of other countries. Hitler's main ambition in life was to unite all the German people into one country. Hitler was from Austria and his father was a member of the Pan-German movement which wanted to unite Austria and Germany way back in the 1800s. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, forbade the Germans and the Austrians to unite.The ethnic Germans in other countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia were treated badly and they complained to Hitler about being persecuted and denied their rights. World War 2 started after the Poles killed 58,000 ethnic Germans, starting in April 1939. The Poles took land away from the ethnic Germans and forced them to go to Germany.

What are the differences between the Iraqi War and World War 2?

WW2 was fought against other nations. Iraq is an attempt to restore law, order and stability to the country. Iraq is a law enforcement function.

Were there Germans fought against fellow Germans in World War 2?

In a way, yes. German immigrants and decendants of German immigrants in other countries fought against the Nazis in World War II.

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What do Germans teach about Christianity?

The same as Christians in any other country. North-Germans tend to be Lutheran and south-Germans tend to be Catholic, but this is not absolute.

Why did east Germans not attempt escape from other eastern European countries?

Many did in fact escape via other other East European countries, but it wasn't that easy, as contact between the entire Eastern Bloc and the West was controlled.

How do Germans convey information?

The same way citizens of any other country does - by talk, telephone, internet, text etc...

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A consulate is a person who represents their country in meetings with other countries. They attempt to get decisions passed that help benefit their own country, and do their best to maintain good trade and friendship terms with other countries.

Why does Hitler only like Germans?

Because Hitler believed Germans was a super-race and all other races were inferior to Germans.

Was there a real hatred of the enemy in World War 1?

The British and the Germans were not going to like each other, let's face it. They both thought they were better than each other however the British didn't sign up because they hated the Germans, they did it because it was meant to be 'fun' and they wanted to support their own country.

What langages do the Germans speak?

The Germans speak German. There are many Germans that can also speak English and no doubt many Germans are able to speak many other languages depending on their education and position in life,

How can you get the 7 treasures in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

I have only got the grass cornet but the treasure bosses are:mew,kyogre,groudon, and other can recuit all of Alexander AGED 8

Why Hitler came to power?

To Change The Country From Being Poor And Stop Letting Other Country Walk All Over Germany And To Make All Germans Under One Flag (read Hitler's My Struggle Its A Book He Wrote)

What country does radish come from?

France, England and Germany and other European nations had the radish as a natural tuber. The word Radish is a Middle English word. The Germans use "rettish".

Are all Germans related to other Germans?

All Germans are related to all other Germans, although not necessarily closely related. This is how ethnic groups work, they are groups of people who share some common descent. If we trace our ancestry back far enough we will discover that all human beings are related to all other human beings.

Do Germans exhale out carbon dioxide?

Of course they do. There are no anatomical or biochemical differences between Germans and any other nationalities.