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US Airmen and Sailors conducted war against NORTH Vietnam with their airplanes and battleships (one battleship actually, the USS New Jersey), cruisers, and destroyers firing from the gunline.

US Soldiers and Marines fought on the ground in SOUTH Vietnam.

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Q: What part of Vietnam did American soldiers fight in?
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How did the conflict affect American soldiers?

They had a personal interest in the Vietnam war...they had to fight it (albeit against their will since they, for the most part, were conscripted by the military/or were draft induced volunteers to fight the war).

Did soldiers have cookouts during Vietnam?

Yes, part of the good times.

How would you account for the cold homecoming American soldiers received when they returned from Vietnam?

Vietnam soldiers were treated quite differently than soldiers returning from previous wars. This is because the Vietnam war itself caused great controversy in the US over whether we should be involved or not an many opposed it. When the soldiers returned home they were not greeted with fanfare and excitement. They were greeted with cold shoulders and no respect. Part of this is also due to the media that made the soldiers appear to be killers that destroyed entire civillian villages, which was not true. Many people even hated the soldiers that returned although there was rarely violence involved.

Why did US join Vietnam?

To fight communism; part of the cold war.

Why United States Help Vietnam fight the Japanese in 1944?

The US supported Ho Chi Minh fight the Japanese in Vietnam as part of their war with Japan .

Did r lee ermy fight in Vietnam?

He may have been part of a USMC aviation unit South Vietnam.

Why is the Vietnam war an example of a proxy war?

The united states sent hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers to fight in the war

Were us soldiers celebrated as heroes when they returned from Vietnam?

The return of military veterans from Vietnam was largely one of what can be called non events. For the most part many soldiers sent to Southeast Asia were draftees. Because of atrocities by some American soldiers, this was unfairly placed on many more who committed no such acts. Movies about Vietnam, such as Full Metal Jacket, unfairly depicted many Americans as either cruel or not professional.

Why is it important that US Soldiers obey the Laws of War?

Those laws are part of (or were part of ) the (former) "code of the American Fighting Man" during the 1950's & 1960's. They used to have all color posters (artwork) plastered all over military offices back in those days: "I am an American Fighting Man, I will never surrender as long as I have the means to resist..."; "I am an American Fighting Man, I will always fight according to the laws of warfare..." Discipline. They were part of the American Fighting Man's regimentation during the Vietnam War era. Without discipline & regimentation there is no military.

Did the netherlands fight in the Vietnam war?

No, as far as putting troops on the ground,however they where part of NATO

Was World War 1 World War 2 and the Vietnam conflicts an example of hot wars involving American troops?

WWI and WWII was the good example of the hot war. Vietnam war was the cold war. America supported South Vietnam (democratic part of of Vietnam) While other communist country such as Russia, China support North Vietnam which was communist part. At that time there was a fight between democracy and communist which was called cold war

What part of the Pacific did Australian soldiers fight in during WW2?

The South West Pacific.