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Between the 1920s and 1930s the United States followed an isolationist policy. Many believed the country had been tricked into World War I by the European allies, as well as the Wilson Administration making a deal with munitions companies and banks for war profit.

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Q: What policy did the US follow in the 1930s?
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Which were the parts of the US policy of Isolationism of the 1930s?

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Which staement is true concerning US foreign policy in the 1930s?

Passing the Neutrality Acts.

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The policy that France and Britain pursued against aggressive nations during the 1930s is known as appeasement. It is a policy of granting concessions to a potential enemy in the hope that it will maintain peace.

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The policy that France and Britain pursued against aggressive nations during the 1930s is known as appeasement. It is a policy of granting concessions to a potential enemy in the hope that it will maintain peace.

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The United States initially had to follow a policy of appeasement towards Germany. This policy was directly related to the treaty of Versailles.

Is it true that The Neutrality Acts of the middle 1930s reflected the US support of an isolationist foreign policy?

YES. The Neutrality Acts reflected the US popular support of isolationism.

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