Flying Idiot
Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933. He then quickly became the only leader in Germany. When President Paul von Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934, Hitler decided that no one would become president anymore. He thus became the only leader, cumulating the functions of president and chancellor. He was "der Führer" (the Leader) and every one had to obey him.30 January 1933: Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.23 March 1933: Enabling Act passed, giving him wide-ranging, dictatorial powers.May 1933: All political parties apart from the NSDAP (Nazis) were banned.12 August 1934: Hitler proclaimed himself Führer (Leader).
His main political opponents were the Social Democrats. They convinced Hindenburg to run for re-election in 1932 as Germany's president. But eventually Hitler was named Chancellor in 1933, and the Nazis gained complete power beginning in 1934.
Germany did not have a Governor but a President (head of state) and a Chancellor (head of the government).The German President at the time was Paul von Hindenburg, full name Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (born 2 October 1847, in Posen; died 2 August 1934 in Gut Neudeck, East Prussia).The German Chancellor before Hitler was Kurt von Schleicher, who served from 4 December 1932 to 28 January 1933.
He was made chancellor on 30 January 1933, but acquired full power over Germany after president Paul von Hindenburg passed away in August of 1934.
Hitler claimed complete power in 1934, following the death of President von Hindenburg.
In 1933, Germany had BOTH a President (Head of State) and Chancellor (Head of Government). Hitler was the Chancellor, and Paul von Hindenburg was the President. With the death of Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler merged the two positions into one; the Fuhrer.
Hitler amalgamated the German Presidency into his office in 1934 when President Paul Hindenburg died.
The takeover of Germany by Hitler was one of a kind because it was done legally by Von Hindenburg's appointment of Hitler to Chancellor. Later when President Von Hindenburg died in 1934, his office of President, meaning "head of State" was an election issue. Hitler, in 1934 ran for President and was elected. He then combined the office of Chancellor & President into one office. Chancellor meant head of the government, President meant Head of State. As President, Von Hindenburg could have removed Hitler from office. Failing to see that Hitler took over Germany legally creates false history.
Paul von Hindenburg [1847 - 1934] was the 2nd President of Germany who handed over to Adolf Hitler his political authority and power.
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. This was the rough equivalent of prime minister. There was also a German President, who was the aged WWI hero, Paul von Hindenburg. Hindenburg died in the summer of 1934. At that time Hitler, who had been consolidating his power, with the 80-plus year old Hindenburg too old and sick to pay much attention, announced that he would henceforth also assume the duties of President, and that his new title would be Fuhrer ("leader").
Hindenburg kept Hitler at bay until his death in 1934. Hitler assumed supreme power at that time.
In 1933 Hitler became Chancellor as his party (the National Socialist German Workers Party) was the biggest in the Reichstag and all the other Chancellors appointed by President Hindenburg had failed. In 1934 President Hindenburg died and Hitler added the power of President to the power he already had as Chancellor, making himself the Fuhrer.
In 1934 He was named Chancellor in January 1933. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in summer 1934, Hitler also assumed the powers of the presidency and created a new position, the "Führer und Reichskanzler" ("Leader and National Chancellor"). There was no further President until Hitler's death in May 1945- Hitler's will made Admiral Dönitz the new President. That would last only a few days, until Dönitz surrendered, ending World War 2 in Europe.
Answer: President Hindenburg
Flying Idiot
President Paul Von Hindenburg. He died in office in 1934. He was succeeded by Hitler who came in as Führer & Chancellor.