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During WWI, the US joined the side of the Allied Powers (Allies), along with Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan and Italy, on April 2, 1917. However, the US joined at the end of the war, so they had the least amount of casualties.

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The US was neutral during much of World War I, and didn't formally declare war on the Central Powers until 1917, when the war was in it's third year.

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Q: What position did the us take at the start of ww1?
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What are you referring to when you say "this position"? You have to do more than just type in the question written on your homework.

What was the position of the US at the start of the war?

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Yes in WW1 and WW2 the French were allied with the US.

When was Take Us to the Start created?

Take Us to the Start was created on 2009-07-15.

What side did the US take in ww1?

U.S entered the war in1917 at the side of Britain(Allie side).

What was the US' position at the start of world war 1?

it was Europes problem

What was the official position of the US at the start of worl war 1?

The U.S had a policy of non-involvement in international affairs at that time. The cause of WW1 is debatable, but the spark that ignited it was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. The U.S had no intention of being involved in WW1 at this point in time, the U.S finally entered the war in 1917 after merchant and civilian vessels were sunk by German U-boats.

When did Us join ww1?

the united states joined in 1917, ww1 started in 1914.!!

Was the US on the side of Britain and France in WW1?

Yes, although officially neutral the US government covertly supported the Allies from the start . They formally entered the war on the Allied side in 1917.

What position did the US take as a conflict engulfed Europe?

remained neutral