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the first freed blacks suffered segregation, persecution by white supremasists and less concideration for jobs.

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Q: What problems did free blacks face?
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What kinds of problems did free African Americans face in the south?

They couldn't have certain jobs or live in certain states.

What problems did the blacks in the South face after emancipation?

The word reached them long before Union Troops arrived to enforce emancipation. They were free by law, but prisoners and slaves at the same moment in time.

When is a person considered free?

a person can be considered free if he/she is ready to face problems and is not personally ............

Did the Confederacy free the blacks?

No. But there were some free blacks in the southern states.

What did free blacks living in the north and south face?

Free blacks in both the north and south faced discrimination, limited job opportunities, social segregation, and restrictions on their civil rights. They were also at risk of being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the south, and faced the constant threat of being captured under the Fugitive Slave Laws in the north.

What problem free black face?

the first freed blacks suffered segregation, persecution by white supremasists and less concideration for jobs.

What is a good title for an essay about free blacks in the north?

"The Struggle and Triumph of Free Blacks in the North"

Education reform did not help?

free black slaves

Which of these made free blacks different from free whites in the US?

Free blacks could not become U.S. citizens. Khanh

What were some of the problems they would be forced to face once the slaves were free?

they forced them to get a life!

In the late 1850s several southern states sought to?

Did they re-slave free blacks. Did they free all slaves. force all free blacks to live in cities. send free blacks back to Africa.

A group that was not helped by education reform was?

Free blacks were not helped by education reform.