He is the one who betrayed lim bo seng
Vicente Lim Guy O. Fort
1957 by Boelkow called the Bo-102. It had a single bladed main rotor and a single bladed tail rotor. For more go to http://www.aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/bo-102.php in 1957 by Boelkow called the Bo-102 it had a single main and tail rotor. For more go here http://www.aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/bo-102.php
His qualities are:1)Reliable2)Caring3)Fearless
The hobbies of Lim Bo Seng are not known. Lim Bo Seng is most known for being a resistance fighter.
He is a man.He is smart enough to become a strong person
Lim Bo Seng would leave the base to obtain food and medicine for his man
lim hing kiang
To protect the country.
in Singapore lah!
yes, of course!
On 27 April 1909
He is the one who betrayed lim bo seng
Lim Bo Seng was arrested by the Japanese, possibly betrayed by Lai Teck, the M.C.P. Secretary-General who was a double agent working for the Japanese too.