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Q: What religion did French missionaries introduce to Vietnam?
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The french first gained access to Vietnam with?


How did Vietnam become French speaking?

because vietnam used to be in the french colony

What religion did the french bring to Vietnam?


How introduce french language in Vietnam?

well vietnam was once part of a french colony. so when the french were in control they forced the people to learn the french language. cultural diffusion at it's finest.

From whom did Vietnam adopt its writing religion and government?

Vietnam was once a part of China so its religion and government traditionally were based on the Chinese model. They used the Chinese writing system until the 13th century where they developed their own system. During the French colonial period, they developed a romanized writing system developed by missionaries.

How did the French influence Vietnam?

During the Vietnam War, the second language of the Vietnamese people was French. The Catholic religion appeared to be the second most common religion. Some French built paved roads and buildings were still present through out the country.

What are the last impacts on the colonization of Vietnam?

During the war: 1. French was the second language of Vietnam (Saigon was the called the Paris of the Orient). 2. Catholics were the second religion of Vietnam.

What ended French colonial rule in Vietnam?

Vietnam was part of the southeast Asian colony of French Indochina, and was therefore ruled by the French before North Vietnam and the State sf Vietnam were granted independence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the 17th Century, French missionaries arrived in Vietnam. The Catholic priests received a friendly welcome from the Vietnamese people and they were allowed to live and work in the country. However, the Vietnamese authorities became concerned when the missionaries began to recruit the local people to Roman Catholicism. The converted Catholics were told to abandon their religious customs including that of taking several wives. The missionaries also instructed their followers to give their loyalty to God rather than to their Emperor. Hostility towards the Christian missionaries grew and over the years there were several cases of priests being murdered.

How were Spanish Missionaries different from French Missionaries?

they brought new religious ideas

How were the French missionaries different from the Spanish missionaries?

They brought new religious ideas

How were the French missionaries different from Spanish missionaries?

They brought new religious ideas

Were French missionaries called huguenots French protestant?
