convert to catholocism.
Lincoln wanted the entire United States back into one piece as soon as possible. He wanted to quickly and "painlessly" finish the reconstruction of the South. That is the reason why he proposed the 10% Plan and other various plans that the Radical Republicans didn't like--------------------------- Lincoln's reconstruction plan strove to readmit the Confederate states into the Union as quickly and easily as possible following the US Civil War. His plan, known as the 10 Percent Plan, involved promoting the loyalty of the southern states and pardoning as many individuals as possible. Lincoln's plan continued after his death but was reversed in 1866 after the Radical Republicans gained control of Congress. It was important to Lincoln that the process of Reconstruction take place with haste. He did not want to create a feeling of animosity or to harshly punish the Southern states but wanted them to re-enter the Union without delay. Lincoln's Reconstruction plan did not involve any strict punishment of former Confederates. He decided that anyone who took an oath of loyalty and agreed to follow the new rules regarding slavery would be pardoned for their actions during the war. One of the main points of Lincoln's Reconstruction plan involved obtaining an oath of loyalty from many former Confederates. He expected the oath to be signed by 10 percent of the individuals who voted in the 1860 election that had been held right before the war began. It was because of this point that Lincoln's plan was entitled the "10 Percent Plan." Many in congress thought this strategy was not stringent enough and wanted harsher punishment for the Confederacy.
anne frank! anne frank!
Wade-Davis Bill
During Reconstruction, President Abraham Lincoln implemented what was known as the Ten Percent Plan, a method of reinstating the Southern states into the Union.The Ten Percent Plan allowed states to be readmitted into the Union once ten percent of the 1860 vote count from that state took an oath of allegiance to the United States and pledged to conform to emancipation policies.The voters could then elect delegates to draft revised state constitutions and create new state governments.
10 percent of the 1860 voting population in the rebelling southern states to swear an oath to the Union before that state could be readmitted to the Union.
Wade-Davis Bill
Wade-Davis Bill :)
Wade-Davis Bill
Wade-Davis Bill :)
Wade-Davis Bill
Wade-Davis Bill
Wade-Davis Bill
National Convenant
Loyalty to the emperor, the group placed before the individual, and respect for the elderly.
The Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill would also have abolished slavery, but it required that 50 percent of a state's White males take a loyalty oath to the United States (and swear they had never assisted the Confederacy) to be readmitted to the Unio
it was easier on former confederate states