Get to a shelter and protect windows with netting to stop them from shattering.
how many pepople were killed in the blitz
Way more than that died during the Blitz, it's to be estimated that between 40,000 - 43,000 civilians were killed and over 50,000+ injured in the Blitz.
food and clothes were rationed during the blitz because people were selfishly using them as dildos.
I think the Blitz cost 36,00 I think the Blitz cost 36,00
they didn't many people died because of fright
they hid under tables and whet outside to the bunker
By taking shelter and by being lucky.
The people of Norwich at the time of the Blitz were not greatly affected, but 340 people from Norwich were killed in the Blitz.
how many pepople were killed in the blitz
the effects of the blitz was people turning into cannibals
People felt often terrified and scared in the blitz because they didn't know what was going to happen. They feltscaredterrifiedanxiousworried
Way more than that died during the Blitz, it's to be estimated that between 40,000 - 43,000 civilians were killed and over 50,000+ injured in the Blitz.
people got bombed
like a realysmelly hobo
not unless you are into a phone a month
food and clothes were rationed during the blitz because people were selfishly using them as dildos.
by a warden setting of the air-raid siren