World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust.
Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.
World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust.
Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is the only one that this contributor is aware of.
More than 6 million Jews and a like number of non-Jews were killed. Millions more emerged with major injuries and horrific memories. Today there are more living "Schindler Jews" around the world, than Jews in Poland. In 1939, there were 3 million Jews in Poland.
Parents always worry about their children, if you put them in a more dangerous situation, then this worry is more likely to increase rather than disappear.
Throughout history there have been many, many cases where a despotic leader has attempted to eliminate an entire race through mass murder. The situation during WWII where Hitler attempted to eliminate not only the Jews but the Romany race as well is the only one actually called The Holocaust.
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
who are major contributors of realism?
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is the only one that this contributor is aware of.
Apathy. People not willing to say that the government was wrong. No foreign government denounced the anti-Jewish measures and there was no popular uprising against the Nazi's systematic persecution of the Jews, any resistance was small and was quashed.
Stroke and heart disease
one major contributor is moving water
CFC's are a major problem. It is because they deplete the ozone.
Adolf Hitler
Max Weber