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The Holocaust was not 'solved'. Rather it was stopped when Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allies.

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Q: What solved the Holocaust?
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Did the problem of the Holocaust get solved?

usa soldiers went to the holocaust camps and bured all the Germany soldiers

Why wasn't the Holocaust solved sooner?

The Holocaust was the Nazi genocide of the Jews. The Nazi regime chose to do this. It was not some 'problem' that needed 'solving'.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

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it is solved

How was the Armenian Genocide resolved?

The Holocaust wasn't a problem that needed 'resolving'. The Holocaust ended as the Allied forces advanced and liberated the camps. For example, Soviet forces entered Auschwitz on 27 January 1945, which is widely kept as Holocaust Memorial Day. It sounds almost incredible, but in Kielce in Poland there were anti-Jewish riots in July 1946, which resulted in about deaths.

What is Holocaust remembrance?

To remember the Holocaust.

Who the holocaust is?

The Holocaust is a concept not a person.

What is the past tense of solved?

Solved is the past tense of solve.

When was the Jewish Holocaust fought?

The Holocaust wasn't a war. Please see the related questions.

What is one aspect of the holocaust?

One aspect of the Holocaust is murder, there was a lot of killing in the Holocaust.

What is the present perfect tense of solve?

The present perfect forms are have solved and has solved.Examples:They have solved the equation. (plural subject)He has solved the equation. (singular subject)

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