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Find them, destroy them (Search and Destroy).

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Attrition. Find them and then destroy them (search and destroy).

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Q: What tactics did the US adopt to fight the Vietcong?
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What happened in Vietnam after the US withdrew?

After the US withdrew from Vietnam the Vietcong came into power. South Vietnam fell under communist rule by the Vietcong.

How long did Vietcong last?

They are still there they were the victors in the war with the US and now rule Vietnam.

What were the vietcong tactics during the Vietnam war?

The Viet Cong's used Gorilla Warfare during the Vietnam War because with there landscape and territory that we had to fight in was so thick and full of trees and bushes that guns did not work because if you shot it you might hit a tree and they knew that hand to hand combat and setting up traps for the Americans or who ever else would walk into it, was the only way to sesesfully kill the Americans or anybody else and they were right. Hand to hand combat was rarely used by either sides during the Vietnam war. The General in command of US Forces in Vietnam once said that the US troops weren't familiar with the landscape and that it was 'A kind of trial and error'. This meant that they did not have an idea of what the war would be like and with too much confidence in the Amercian soldiers, 'The mere presence of US Forces would force them into quitting' (Philip Caputo, US Marine), the use of Guerilla tactics by the NLF Fighters or Vietcong, were far more effective than the tactics used by the US. Spike pits and underground tunnels, along with attack and disperse techniques were a major contribution to why the US was beaten. As a desperate solution, the US forces executed 'zippo raids' and used chemical weapons to try and wipe out the Vietcong, but as they did not wear a uniform, they were hard to identify and looked like 'villagers with guns'. Many civilians were killed by this technique, and also with massacres. Ultimately, the South Vietnamese support of the Amercians was lost and they began to supoprt North Vietnamese communist fighters, or the Vietcong. :)

How did tunnels help vietcong win?

The tunnels helped them win because they helped them hit and run at the enemy, or attack and get away quickly. they also helped because they helped the Vietcong get supplies through areas without being vulnerable. Lastly the helped because they kept the Vietcong safe from bombing and artillery.

What were the World War 2 tactics?

The US infantry called it fire and manuver

Related questions

What was the us counter tactics that were used against the vietcong?

Search and destroy (find 'em & kill 'em).

What tactics did US use against the Vietcong?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

What tactics did the US use against Vietcong guerrillas?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

What tactics did serbs use to fight against the UN and the US?

They ran.

Why were the vietcong called the elusive enemy?

The Vietcong was an elusive enemy, because they didn't fight with a traditional army. Their fighters hid, spread out, regrouped, etc in a highly dense rain forest, making it very difficult for the foreign soldiers (US Americans mostly) to find and fight them.

Why was the Vietcong able to fight back the us?

They didn't. The NVA won the war when they drove their tanks thru the South Viet capital.

What military did the Vietcong have over the Americans?

the Us was better than the vietcong in military it was guerilla warfare that was over the Us

What happened in Vietnam after the US withdrew?

After the US withdrew from Vietnam the Vietcong came into power. South Vietnam fell under communist rule by the Vietcong.

What types of combat were used during the Vietnam war?

For the Vietnam, they used hit and run tactics, and also dug tunnels and had dug outs so that they could easily transport weapons without being seen. The Vietcong also had a large view and sense of the land because it was their own. The US. used bombing tactics. We would bomb them all night. For the Vietnam, they used hit and run tactics, and also dug tunnels and had dug outs so that they could easily transport weapons without being seen. The Vietcong also had a large view and sense of the land because it was their own. The US. used bombing tactics. We would bomb them all night.

What kept us troops from defeating the viet cong?

They were trying to fight a guerrilla war using conventional tactics.

Why so much opposition to the draft in Vietnam?

the Vietnam war was not an American war. we got in it to fight off communism. and the vietcong and north vietnamese worked together to fight us, and south vietnamese were hardly using their army to fight, they were letting us do all of it. and Americans didnt want to go die for a lost cause.

What kept us troops from defeating the viet cong quickly?

They were trying to fight a guerrilla war using conventional tactics.