Pretty good. About one out of four Confederate soldiers died, twice as many from disease as compared to the number the Yankees killed. About one Yankee soldier out of six died, again, disease killed twice as many as the Rebels.
Yanks. Yankee Doodle.
Like any other soldier, he would have to be demobilised in an orderly fashion.
Yankee or Bluebelly.
Yes, a Yankee soldier and a union soldier fought on the same side in the American Civil War (1861-65). The term "Yankee" was used by southerners to denote someone from the north, or the union. In this case, "Union" and "Yankee" mean the same thing. Nobody knows why the South ever came up with that term, though.
The New York Yankees. the reason why is the northern soldier during the civil war was called Billy Yankee and the southern soldier was called Johnny Rebel.
There is no US Civil War vessel named Damn Yankee. There is a musical named Damn Yankee. During the Civil War this term was meant in a derogatory fashion against northerners.
Pretty good. About one out of four Confederate soldiers died, twice as many from disease as compared to the number the Yankees killed. About one Yankee soldier out of six died, again, disease killed twice as many as the Rebels.
The "candy" they ate was usually a drug like morphine.
Usually women who were not fighting had fundraisers and raised money for soldier supplies
'Reb' is a three letter word for a civil war soldier.
A horrible Yankee prison during the Civil War.