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It started on September 7, 1940. See the related links below for details about the Blitz.

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it started on 4:56pm

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Q: What time did the blitz start on September 7th?
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What year did the Blitz in World War 2 start?

The blitz started on September 7th 1940. Answered by Kim Sparrow

What year did the blitz start?

The Blitz took place in 1940 to 1941 in England.The Blitz is short for German word 'Blitzkrieg' which means 'lightning war'hope this helps

When did the blitz occur?

The Blitz Started on the night of the 7th September 1940 and ended on the 11th of May 1941.

When did The Blitz occurr?

The German Blitz of Britain took place from 7th September 1940 to 21st May 1941.

When did London suffer the blitz?

World war two started on the 7th of September 1939 And Ended In 1945 so That means the war Kept Going for 6 Years! The Blitz itself started on September 7th when Hermann Goering, the head of the Luftwaffe, was told by Hitler, to destroy London after the RAF made it hard for the Luftwaffe to destroy the shipping and the RAF itself.

What were the dates when the blitz started and finished?

It started on 7th September 1940 and ended in May 1941.

How many adults died during the blitz?

60,000 civilians were killed in the UK from enemy bombing action, including 650 on the first night of the blitz, September 7th 1940.

When was the blize in World War 2?

The blitz occurred in England when the Nazi Germans began dropping bombs on London in September 7th 1940 and it continued through May 10, 1941. After the Normandy Invasion the Germans began bombing again but that time period was not officially called the blitz.

When did the The Blitz?

the 1st of may to the 7th

How long did the blitz last for?

== == == == The Blitz began September 7th 1940 when London was first bombed. London was bombed for 57 consecutive days or nights. The Blitz, the bombing of London and other English cities and towns, is generally regarded as lasting from September 1940 to mid May 1941, although there were still isolated air raids after that time. From June 13th 1944, when the first V1 flying bomb exploded, people again had to take cover. The V1 was followed by the V2 rocket. == ==

When did September 11 start?

9/11 started in Sept 7Th 2001

What is it like at this time in Scotland?

At this time 21:48, on 7th September 2009, it is dark.