It is 0600 or "O six-hundred hours".
0600 dawn
Sword Beach was the first at 0600, followed by Utah, then Omaha at 0630, then Gold at 0700,then Juno at 0730.
0600 hours on the day after D-Day with the 3rd tide
Military time in English speaking countries uses a day of 24 hours beginning at midnight - 2400 hours* - therefore 12 o'clock am (or midday) would be 1200 hours - 6am would be 0600 hours and 6pm, 1800 hours. * Some services use the 24 hour period beginning at 0000 or 0001 hours to 2359 hours not recognizing 2400 hours, thus technically, providing the serviceman with 1 or 2 minutes free time.
It is 0600 or "O six-hundred hours".
0600 is know as military time. 0600 translates to 6:00 am.
0600 means in 12 hours time 06:00 / Six hours and Zero minutes.
That depends which time zones you wish to compare.
0600 Central European Summer Time
0600 dawn
18:00 or 0600
At 0700 EDT, the time in Nova Scotia is 0600 ADT.
0500 pst = 0600 mst 0500 pst = 0500 mst
1800 Pakistan Standard Time (PKT) = 0500 PST = 0600 PDT