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Shoshone and the Goshute tribes. (Journey of Discovery, 130-131)

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Q: What two Indian tribes fought in the goshute war?
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What two empires fought over control of America before the English were involved?

The French and the Native American's empires fought over the control of America before the English were involved. The French and Indian War took place between 1754 and 1763.

What best describes jackson's policy toward indian peoples?

He kicked soccer ball them allTHAT ^ IS NOT THE ANSWER THIS IS >Jackson also espoused removing Indian tribes in the United States to the west of the Mississippi River as one of his reforms. Jackson argued that the United States policy of attempting to assimilate Indian tribes into white society had failed and it would destroy the Indians’ way of life. Furthermore, Jackson recognized that whites desired Indian lands and he feared that if they remained in those areas that they would eventually be exterminated. Opposition groups fought Jackson’s removal policy in Congress, but their efforts failed by just a handful of votes. Congress’s authorization of removal empowered Jackson to make treaties with the Indian tribes to arrange for their removal. Jackson, who railed against government corruption, largely ignored the shady treaties forced on the various tribes and the actions of government officials. The Indian Removal process was completed two years after Jackson left office with great loss of Indian life due to corruption, inadequate supplies, and the removal of many Indians by force. Today, Jackson’s Indian Removal policy and its tragic consequences that produced the Trail of Tears is the most conspicuous blight on his presidential legacy.

What were the names of the two Generals that fought at Bull Run?

The two generals who fought at The battle of Bull Run were General Lee and General Jackson.

What were the two theaters Americans were fighting in?

There were three theaters of the Civil War fought on land. The Main theaters were the Eastern Theater and the Western Theater but there was a lesser theater west of the Mississippi called the Trans-Mississippi. Most of the fighting in the Eastern Theater took place in Virginia and what is now West-Virginia, with a few battles being fought in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The fighting in the Western Theater was spread throughout the states of Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The two most impoartant campaigns fought in the Trans-Mississippi were the Red Rivier Campaign and the Camden Expedition, both of which were resounding Confederate victories. Other than those two campaigns there was on major battle fought in Missouri and one major battle fought in Arkansas but numerous minor battles fought in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and the Indian Territory.

What are the two armies that fought in WW1?

France & germany