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Czechoslovakia and Austria

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Q: What two countries did Germany annex without firing one shot?
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What countries did Adolph Hitler annex?

Adolf Hitler annexed Austria and the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Germany occupied Poland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece and Norway.

What three places did Hitler and Germany annex or move troops into before his invasion of Czechoslovakia?

doodle town, bibble town, and gaga town.

How did Munich conference relate to Germany's attempts to annex Czechoslovakia?

The agreement reached at the Munich Conference sought to compromise with Germany by offering it some territory in Czechoslovakia

What are three of the most significant casues of World War 2?

The 3 key causes of WW2 can be debatable but most would sayTreaty of Versailles forced Germany into accepting full blame for WWI. This caused Germany to loose some of its lands, and forced them to pay for war damages to countries like France and Britain etc. In order to pay, Germany printed more money, which led to hyper inflation rates in Germany which lead to the great depression.Rise of Hitler to power. by seeking flaws to exploit within the Wiemar Republic. Elected Chancellor 1933 and becomes President after death of Hindenburg 1934.The allies allowed Germany to annex Austria-1938. (forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles) followed by the allies allowing Germany to take the Sudetenland lands (Czech) without permission of the Czechs, which was done in hopes of appeasing Hitler.

Why did Hitler annex Austria in 1938?

Austria was the German speaking remnant of the pre-WW1 Austro-Hungarian Empire. This empire was broken up into separate states in 1919 by the war's British and French victors. The Austrian remnant, constituted as an independent state by the Treaty of Versailles, almost immediately voted for union with Germany in a plebicite, or national vote. Contrary to their official policy of national self-determination, the victors refused to allow this to happen. It was more important to them that Germany be kept as weak as possible. By the late 1930s Germany was strong enough to ignore the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty. In March of 1938 the Anschluss united Germany and Austria into a single state. The vast majority of Austrians welcomed the unification, which was also an important part of Hitler's well publicized plan to unite all of Europe's Germans into a single state, Greater Germany, 'Grossdeutschland'.