The armies of both France and Germany had more than doubled between 1870 and 1914
You have to be a little more specific on which war you are talking about. World War I officially began on July 28, 1914. World War II officially began on September 1, 1939 (although some countries were already fighting, notably that Japan was already fighting China).
Germany declared war on France on the 3rd August 1914. Starting World War One. WW1 was actually started July 28, 1914 when the Austria-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. Various countries declared war on one another after that day. Yes, but nothing very much happened until the declaration by Germany, then the very next day they had ignored Belgium's neutrality and invaded Belgium to try to get to Paris quickly.
WWI started in the year 1914 for several reasons: what ignited the great war was the assassination of archduke franz Ferdinand and then there were the tangled alliance systems. but more was the thoughts of militarism, nationalism, and imperialism.
The usa spends more money on defense then all other countries around the world combined. In 2007 the world spent over 900 billion for military defense. The usa spend 700 billion of the 900 billion. That's why the world has a hard time trusting the usa.
Most likely the allied powers did. Since they were gaining more and more countries. The Central Powers were a losing countries and men, so I guess that the Allies spent more than the Central Powers.
By reducing the nuclear armaments, the world can be a more safer place to live in because right now the stockpile of nuclear weapons around the world is able to destroy the whole world. Not only that by reducing the nuclear armaments, countries can have a better relations with each other.
Overall, the Allies spent more than twice of what the Central Powers spent in the war ($58 Billion vs the Central Powers' $25 Billion). Of all countries involved, the UK and Germany spent the most but the UK spent slightly more.
Sergei Prokofiev spent his early years of composing in St. Petersburg, Russia, until about 1914. From 1914 to 1916, he spent some time in London without much success. He returned to Russia in 1916 and spent a few more unsuccessful years before emigrating to the USA, again without much success. He moved to Paris where he enjoyed considerable success and eventually returned to Russia permanently in 1936.
by making more profuis to other countries
The war in 1914, originally called the Great War, was later called a world war as it was fought by more countries and on a larger scale than any war before.
you spent all your money, spent more then you can live off of
It is difficult to provide an exact figure without more context. In general, different countries, organizations, and individuals spent varying amounts of money in 2009 on a wide range of expenses such as government budgets, company expenses, and personal finances.
During World War I, the armies that had significantly increased in size between 1870 and 1914 included those of Germany, France, Russia, and the British Empire. These countries had undergone military reforms and modernization efforts during this period, leading to the expansion of their armed forces.
The term "wasted" might not be the accurate term; spent might be more accurate. The US spent more money by a long shot! The US dropped nearly 3 times as many bombs in the Vietnam War than they did in all of WWII. The US lost well over 4,000 helicopters and 2,000 jet aircraft. Just a very small sampling of what the communist forces did not expend nor lose in the war.
Due to very harsh winters cave bears spent more times in caves.
Wai soent $6.20 and Courtney spent $9.40