Japan lacked many Natural Resources.
To save resources for the war effort.
Women got jobs, and the demand for more supplies meant more money, which meant more and better industry.
No, the allied forces kept most of them. The worked with Japan to resolve their lack of natural resources problem instead.
world war 1
In general, the higher the population of a species, the lower the potential for survival of any individual member because of the finite supply of needed resources.
My resources are limited
Natural Resources are the primary trade items in the world.
Natural Resources are the primary trade items in the world.
types of natural resources in the world
The world's natural resources must be managed wisely.
Our world is facing a depletion of several natural resources.
Natural Resources are distributed evenly among all nations
Many governments around the world conserve their natural resources by
Natural Resources are the primary trade items in the world.
All people, of all nationalities use natural resources.
if you don't have any natural resources then the area will just die out.