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1. Death of Stonewall Jackson a few days after the battle.

2. Dissension about whether to invade Pennsylvania in search of food and war supplies, or send troops West to stop Grant liberating the Mississippi.

(3rd, not realised at the time)

It was now that Lee's health started to fail, possibly from the shock of losing Stonewall, and he was unwell during the fateful Battle of Gettysburg.

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Q: What two problems arose for the South following the Battle of Chancellorsville?
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What happened in the battle Chancellorsville?

The South won in the battle of Chancellorsville.

What happened in the battle of chancellorsville?

The South won in the battle of Chancellorsville.

Who won the Chancellorsville battle?

The Confederacy (South) won at Chancellorsville.

Who led the south in the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Robert E Lee.

Who was the South's commanding general at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the south's comanding general at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Robert E. Lee

Who were the commanders of the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Sir Chance Jungling for the South and Brad Rollings for the North.

What were the number of casualties the Confederates suffered in their victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863?

The Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville was costly. The South suffered 10,737 casualties . The Union army, the Army of the Potomac had 11,116 casualties.

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The Confederates, commanded by Robert E. Lee.

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The Federals (North) had 133000 effectives, the South, just over 60,000.

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They won the seven days battle, Second Battle of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.

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The Confederate President throughout the Civil War was Jefferson Davis . The leader of the Confederate troops at Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee, greatly helped by Stonewall Jackson, who was killed during this battle.