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The famous people who were involved in the battle of lexington and concord were: # Samuel Adams # John Hancock # Paul Revere # General Thomas Gage This is the answer to number 4 on the worksheet titled ON YOUR ROAD TO REVOULUTION WEB QUEST!!!!! The famous people who were involved in the battle of lexington and concord were: # Samuel Adams # John Hancock # Paul Revere # General Thomas Gage This is the answer to number 4 on the worksheet titled ON YOUR ROAD TO REVOULUTION WEB QUEST!!!!!

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USS Monitor and CSS Virginia

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Merrimac and Monitor

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Q: What two ships fought the first battle between 2 ironclad ships?
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Where was the first battle between ironclad ships in the civil war fought?

Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

Was there an ironclad ship in the Civil War called the Monitor?


Where was the location of the Battle of the Ironclads?

The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac during the US Civil War. It was the first time two ironclad ships had fought each other.

Why was the battle between monitor v merrimack historically important?

It was the first battle between ironclad ships.

Why was the battle of Hampton roads significant?

This battle, fought March 9, 1862, was the first time ironclad ships fought each other and started a new era of naval warfare.

What were the monitor and merrimack?

These two Ironclad ships were brought into history at the first Battle of Bull Run (first battle of the Civil War), these two ships were unstoppable back then and it was hard to beat the other.

Did the battle of monitor an Merrimack was significant because it was the first battle?

The battle between the two ironclad warships, USS Monitor (first United States ironclad warship) and CSS Virginia (previously the USS Merrimack and first Confederate States ironclad warship) was significant because it was the first battle in the world where ironclad warships dueled together. The two warships were not the first ironclad warships in the world to be built, but they were the first ironclads to engage in combat against each other.

What was a monitor was during the civil war?

The USS Monitor was an advance in ironclad warships in its time. It had a rotating turret on which a canon was mounted. It was part of the US Civil War sea battle at Hampton Roads. It fought against the CSS Virginia. This was the first battle between ironclad warships in history. The battle was a stand-off. The Moniter never fought again as it was lost in a sea storm some months later.

What are facts about the battle of merrimack and monitor?

It was the first major battle of ironclad ships . The first time they used the steel for ships. second major battle in Va. Fought in the waters of Hampton Roads/Norfolk

Name the first union ironclad warship that fought the first sea battle in the civil war?

USS Monitor, CSS Virginia was the Confederate vessel.

What two ships fought each other in the US Civil War for the first time?

You may be thinking of the first ironclad battle between USS Monitor and CSS Virginia (formerly the USS Merrimac). Or, perhaps you want the famous duel between CSS Alabama and USS Kearsarge.

Who fought to a draw at Hampton Roads Virginia in the Civil War?

The union ironclad warship USS Monitor and the ironclad Merrimack, renamed the CSS Virginia fought an inconclusive duel in Hampton Roads in 1862. They never met again. It was the first battle between two armoured ships and sent shockwaves round the world.