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Communism (USSR) and Capitalism (USA)

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Q: What two types of government were in the rivalry of the cold war?
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What State of rivalry or tension between two nations that stops short of violent confrontation is called?

A Cold War.

What are the two types of law in US government?

The two types of law are common and statutory.

What are the two types of government provided for in the constitution?

Federal government and state government

What are two types of government?

state government and local government

What are two types of democratic?

The two types of democratic government are: > direct democracy; and > republic democracy

What are the two types of tropical climates regions?

hot and cold

What grew out of the cold war?

The Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union grew out of the Cold War. The rivalry between these two super powers led to major technological advances and achievements at the time.

What is an arch rivalry?

An arch rivalry is a relationship between two particularly fierce or passionate rivals.

When did the rivalry of USC vs UCLA start?

The rivalry between those two American colleges from Los Angeles, California is due to the approximaty of the two of them. The rivalry began in 1954 during a basketball tournament between the two colleges.

What are the two Chinese government types?

communism or unitary

What is a rivalry between two companies called?

A rivalry between two companies is often referred to as competition or a business rivalry. It typically involves both companies vying for market share, customers, and dominance in their industry.

Why did they call it the cold war?

Because it never got "hot"; no actual conflict was ever initiated between the two sides.