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guerilla warfare

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Q: What type of warfare did Francis Marion and his men employ?
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What type of warfare did frncis Marion and his men employ?

Guerilla warfare (hit and run).

Who fought a type of warfare that help lead to failure of the British in the south?

Francis Marion

Who taught a type of warfare that helped lead to the failure of the British in the south?

Francis Marion

Who fought a type warfare that helped lead to the failure of the British in the south?

Francis Marion

Who fought a type of welfare that helped lead the failure of the British in the south?

Francis Marion

What type of job did Francis Marion have?

Francis Marion was an American military officer, active during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). He served with the Continental Army in efforts to end the British occupation of South Carolina. He is considered a founder and 'father' of modern guerrilla warfare tactics.

What type of warefare did Francis Marion practice?

If this is Francis Marion the fighter in the American Revolutionary War in the late 18th century, he was also known as "The Swamp Fox" and fought in the Carolinas using tactics that are now called "guerilla warfare". Small mobile forces often operating independently and against a larger more organized military. It didn't get to be called "guerilla warfare" until the 19th century and was named after the Guerillas in Spain in about 1805 and onwards.

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