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During the 1950's & early 1960's the United States supplied the South Vietnamese military with WWII weapons; M-1 Garand rifles, hand grenades, Thompson Submachinguns (.45 caliber), .30 caliber machinguns, bazookas, and the EVER POPULAR M-1 CARBINE, etc. During the late 1960's the South received more updated weapons, such as the M-16 rifle & M-60 machinguns.

The VC (Viet Cong) largely supplied themselves with CAPTURED weapons from the South Viet Governmen; listed above.

Soviet/Communist Chinese (CHICOM) SKS semi-automatic carbines (rifles) & K-54 semi-automatic pistols, and potato masher styled hand grenades (referred to as CHICOM's from the GI's "in country"), as well as the ever present Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers (RPG's), were the standard communist issued weapons.

As the years passed, the SKS rifles (carbines) began to disappear from the battlefields and the AK-47 assault rifles became the common place weapon. The grenades, RPG's, remained the same.

The NVA (Regular Army from North Vietnam) was armed as was the US Forces; Tanks, Jet Aircraft, Artillery, etc.

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Q: What type of weaponry was used by the VietCong in the Vietnam War?
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What weapons did Vietcong use against the US?

The South Vietnam Army used firearms from the U.S. such as the M14 and the M16 or the M1 Carbine since South Vietnam was the ally of the U.S! The Vietcong used mainly the AK-47 provided by China and Russia.

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Words. Words are the weaponry of a cold war. The term "Cold War" means "no shooting".

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Several different types of guns were used during the Vietnam war. The most common used by the allies was the M-16 rifle and the 45 auto hand gun. The Vietcong also used a variety of weapons the most common was the AK-47. However many other types were used by both sides.

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It is a type of currency used in Vietnam.