They competed with one another in terms of nuclear warheads, and getting the first man on the moon. Both were actively spying on one another to obtain technological information that would enable them to get ahead of the other.
Cold War
US and USSR.
Follow a course independent of the superpowers.
Nuclear weapons, Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons.
The union with allied countries.
Superpowers developed thermonuclear weapons as a means of increasing their military capabilities and deterrence strategies during the Cold War. These weapons provided a significant advantage in terms of destructive power and the ability to mutually assure destruction, leading to a balance of power. Additionally, possessing these weapons allowed superpowers to negotiate from a position of strength and influence global politics.
compete economically and militarily
Cold War
US and USSR.
Nuclear weapons led to the cold war. Noting else. No nukes, no cold war. If nuclear weapons did not exist, the US and USSR may have fought a regular conventional war, just like WW2...only it would have been called WW3. Nuclear weapons led to the cold war. Noting else. No nukes, no cold war. If nuclear weapons did not exist, the US and USSR may have fought a regular conventional war, just like WW2...only it would have been called WW3.
No not directly. Only by proxy. Korea, Vietnam, Central & South America, and Afghanistan in the 80's.
Follow a course independent of the superpowers.
Nuclear weapons, Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons.
The arms race created a balance of power between the superpowers, as each sought to match or outpace the other's military capabilities. This balance deterred direct conflict, as the potential costs and risks of engaging in warfare became too high for either side to pursue. Thus, the concept of mutually assured destruction played a key role in preventing war between the superpowers during the Cold War.
The union with allied countries.
The race to build more atomic bombs between the US and the USSR during the Cold War was called the Arms Race. It was a period of intense competition and escalation of nuclear weapons development between the two superpowers.