The Battle of Leyte Gulf.
A.The Battle of Leyte Gulf
A.The Battle of Leyte Gulf
Largest naval battle in history.
the battle of leyte gulf (apex)
leyte gulf
The Battle of Leyte Gulf.
A.The Battle of Leyte Gulf
Leyte Gulf
The largest naval battle in history was the Battle of Leyte Gulf fought in October 1944 during WW2. The Battle of the Sibuyan Sea was part of that battle. The Battle of Leyte Gulf was in preparation for the invasions of allied troops into the Philippines; the 2nd Battle of the Philippines.
The Battle of Leyte Gulf involved the Japanese forces successfully diverting the US forces away from the Leyte island. The Battle of Leyte occurred in October 1944.
The battle of leyte gulf was important to the liberation of the Philippines
The Kamikaze .
Largest naval battle in history.
Midway Leyte Gulf Guadacanal
A.The Battle of Leyte Gulf