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World War 2 was ended when Japan finally surrendered to the Allied Forces after the US dropped the only atom bombs ever used against a nation. The story of the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki Japan and Hiroshima Japan are on the link below.

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Q: What war ended with two atomic blasts?
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Was there a war before the first atomic bomb?

The world was going through world war two. The atomic bomb ended the war.

What weapon ended the war with Japan?

The dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What ended war war 2?

The Atomic Age.

What was the significance of the atomic bomb dropped on japan in 1945?

There were two bombs and they brought the end of the war.

What ended the war with japan in 1945?

The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war.

What ended the war in the pacific with japan?

The war in the pacific ended by the dropping of the two atomic bombs by the United States. President Truman didn't want to waste more American lives in the war, so he ordered to drop the atomic bombs on the two cities of Japan. After the two bombs were dropped, Japan was surrendered and the World War II came to the end.

World War 2 ended in 1989?

It was either that, or September 1945, when Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs.

What success does the atomic bomb have in war?

It ended World War 2.

What event ended the Japanese war?

the two atomic bombs that were dropped by America on japan ended the war. The first was in Hiroshima on the 6th of august and the next three days later in Nagasaki. It killed 120,000 people. Japan then surrendered which ended the war

How were people from Japanese affected by the nuclear bomb?

Unlike the fact that faced destruction they were glad that finally the war ended

Which war ended with atomic bombs?

World War 2 with the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Which World War 2 event ended World War 2?

the atomic bomb dropped on japan but it took two to make the japan surrender