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Because his assasination at Sarajevo led to WWI.

AnswerThat is why WWI started but he's asking why Franz Ferdinand was OS important...

Franz Ferdinand was so important because he was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. When he was killed by Gavrilo Principe, Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. The war turned so big because the countries allied with Austria-Hungary (the Triple Alliance) also went into war against Serbia. Countries also allied with Serbia (the Entente Powers) had to get involved too. The war grew bigger because then comprimises were made to ensure more men. Like the British that joined the war, had the Indian Armies on their side because the Indians thought they'd get self-governship and Independence because they, at the time, were being ruled by and governed by the British.

SinAznHoly (I sign my name at the end of almsot everything, this is my username. Not my real name.)

"For thou to know the pain of others, one must live the life of the other"

I also like to add a quote at the end.

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17y ago

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was the heir to the Austrian throne. He was assassinated on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo by a member of the group called The Black Hand. His death triggered a series of events in which war was declared, triggering various alliances and setting off nationalist sentiment throughout Europe. The resulting conflict was called The Great War or The War to End All Wars. We know it today as World War I.

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17y ago

hes the trigger. his death pisses off i think the austrians? i dont know exactly. but it pisses off the nation and they attack the serbs which in turn make other countries jump into all the fun

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13y ago

Franz Ferdinan was the ArchDuke of Austria-Hungary, he was an important figure in WWI because his assasination led to the start of the war, at the time Bosnia and Herzegovina was a part of the Austrio-Hungarian empire, which the serbs did not agree with, So a group of Young Serbian nationalists assassinated the Archduke thus starting the conflict.

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14y ago

Dying. His death (by assassination) was the event that started the war.

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12y ago

it sparked World War One.

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Q: What was Archduke Franz Ferdinand role in world war 1?
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What role did the black hand play in the start of world war 1?

They were a terrorist group, who killed Franz Ferdinand in the 1st World war. Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria. The Black Hand was founded on May 9th 1911 in the Kingdom of Serbia. By 1914, there were several hundred members, perhaps as many as 2500.

What three things may have played a role in starting World War l?

The three things that played a role in starting the WWI were the killing of Archduke Ferdinand, the Zimmerman Note and the sinking of the Lusitania.

What role did the Serbian government play in the in assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand?

The Serbian government provided the weapons that the Black Hand used to attempt to assassinate Ferdinand/the gun that Princip used to kill Ferdinand.

How did alliances make countries join the war?

Alliances played a key role in the war, because they are what brought war to such a global scale. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian, Austria-Hungary declared war. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary and thus were obligated to go to war aswell. Alliances also played a role in Britians joining the war, because they joined as an ally of Belgium when Belgium was invaded by Germany.

What role did nationalism play in the cause of World War 1?

Nationalism led to the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand; Ferdinand had selected a Serbian national holiday to parade through Sarajevo, stoking nationalist distaste. 2)Germany was the revisionist power in opposition to the traditionally pre-eminent France and Britain. The desire of Germany to prove itself could be labelled a nationalist element.

Related questions

What role did the 'Black Hand' play in causing the First World War?

The Black Hand was the name of the group of men that conspired to murder Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This assassination triggered the political crisis that resulted in World War I.

What role did the black hand play in the start of world war 1?

They were a terrorist group, who killed Franz Ferdinand in the 1st World war. Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria. The Black Hand was founded on May 9th 1911 in the Kingdom of Serbia. By 1914, there were several hundred members, perhaps as many as 2500.

What role did Archduke Ferdinand play?

he was a heir to the Austrian throne!

What three things may have played a role in starting world war 1?

The killing of Archduke Ferdinand, the Zimmerman Note, and the sinking of the RMS Lusitania may have played a role in starting World War I.

What did franz Ferdinand do in the war?

Franz Ferdinand was dead during the war, his role in WWI is that he was the spark, the event that set off the war when he was assasinated.

How did nationalism play a role in imperialism?

Nationalism and imperialism directly caused WW1 as nations sought to protect their interests. The war was sparked off by the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914.

What three things may have played a role in starting World War l?

The three things that played a role in starting the WWI were the killing of Archduke Ferdinand, the Zimmerman Note and the sinking of the Lusitania.

What three things have played a role in starting World War 1?

The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was very very important. There was also the balkan problem Then there was the tangier crisis and the agadir crisis. Also the different countries kept on making different alliences which made the other countries feel threatened.

What role did the Serbian government play in the in assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand?

The Serbian government provided the weapons that the Black Hand used to attempt to assassinate Ferdinand/the gun that Princip used to kill Ferdinand.

What caused World War I and why?

The assassination on 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, is seen as the immediate trigger of the war. Long-term causes, such as imperialistic foreign policies of the great powers of Europe, such as the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, France, and Italy, played a major role.

How did alliances make countries join the war?

Alliances played a key role in the war, because they are what brought war to such a global scale. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian, Austria-Hungary declared war. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary and thus were obligated to go to war aswell. Alliances also played a role in Britians joining the war, because they joined as an ally of Belgium when Belgium was invaded by Germany.

What was great Britain's role in world war 1 and2?

In World War One, Britain was the defensive force who backed up Belgium when the Germans invaded after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. In World War Two, they were the leading power against the Nazi's, Britain was the nation who faught the Nazi's longer than anyone else, becoming the back-bone of the defensive front. With Spitfires, Hurricains, and of course the navy they were one of the most overwhelming forces that Germany had to face, also the only force that Germany never truely beat.